Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seven Times a Day

I'm an avid reader and among the topics I enjoy are books set in India - like Pearl Buck's 'Mandela'. In some of these books, I've been impressed at the faithfulness of the people - the women especially, who make time for their prayers, many times a day.Islam also calls the people to regular prayers. In Psalm 119:164 (its a long one!), David writes "Seven times a day do I praise Thee because of Thy righteousness judgements." This encourages me to do the same - I don't always pull the prayer rug off my bedroom door to do this - it is more of a reminder to me, but throughout the day I lift my heart to my Creator, not only with supplications, but praise for all He provides me - wisdom, stength, beauty. If followers of other religions can be so faithful, shouldn't we as well?
Vaya con Dios!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Word on the Go

Its my quotidian practice - or nearly so, to read my Bible each morning. Sometimes work loads and time constraints make this more difficult and on such busy days I often use the 'open and point' method though my Bible is old enough that I have many passages marked with hearts (Yes! So me!) This busy morning I opened and found such a marked verse that I'd like to share with you that may be of help today:
"Commit thy works unto The Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established."
Proverbs 16:3
Vaya con Dios!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Isn't GOD good?

Living in Arizona, I am surrounded by natural beauty. Shown here is the drive into Sedona, just a spot in the road that is one of so many 'photo ops' available in this state, from the saguaro-covered hillsides south to the lofty pines of the central and northern mountains.

I am also surrounded daily by GOD's love and - mercy. Like Nehemiah (9:17b), I proclaim "but Thou art a GOD ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness"- I think I can say this is the verse that describes what I've experienced in half a century (last time I'll mention THAT.)

So in the upcoming posts, may I share with you some encouraging words that I have been given?
Together we will lift up our heads and thank the GOD that gives us good gifts. Like the beauty that surrounds us, wherever we are.